Rabbits for Sale: It's not always easy to find rabbits for sale in your area! So, hereare 13ways you can use to find your chosen rabbitor breed.
And, hereare4 ways rabbit breeders can advertise their rabbits and rabbit-related products on Raising-Rabbits!
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How to Find Rabbits for Sale
1) Check with our Featured Rabbitries
Each Featured Rabbitry has a full webpage with lots of great pictures and information about their rabbits, their rabbitry, and any additional products or services offered. Are you within traveling distance to any of the following rabbitries?
Click on a featured rabbitry link below, orgo to theFeatured Rabbit Breeder Listpage.
Hostile Hare - Chinchilla Rabbits in AZ, ANDcommercial rabbit cages
Belle's Bunny Boutique- Holland Lops, Mini Lion Lops, Dwarfs in NJ.
Breadbox Rabbitry- Show and Pet Netherland Dwarfs in NC.
Bunnies by Emma and Ellie - Mini Lops and Mini Rex in PA
Cotton Candie Tails - Lionheads and Vienna-Marked in WA
Goshen Bunnies - Holland Lops and Mini Plush Lops in KY
Happily Ever After -Mini Plush Lop, Holland Lop, Neth. Dwarf, Lionhead, Mini Lop, Mini Rex in PA
MapleRidge Stables Rabbitry- Himalayan Rabbits in Rigaud, Quebec, Canada.
Open Doors Rabbitry - Lionheads, New Zealands in Worden, IL
Shepherds Purse Rabbitry - Mini Rex, Holland Lops in RI
Jubilee Farms- Holland Lops in SC.
What The Fluffle Rabbitry - New Zealands, Champagne d'Argents in NC.
Rabbit Breeders: Click here to learn about advertising on the Raising-Rabbits Website!
2) Check the Rabbit-Breeders-Near-You Listings on Raising-Rabbits.com
Our Rabbit Breeder listings are organized by state, and internationally by country. Just click your state or country to find local rabbit breeders.
Rabbit Breeders Near You
Check neighboring states as well, if you are willing to drive the distance in order to acquire the rabbit(s) of your choice.
3) Check our Rabbit Classifieds page.
OurRabbit Classifiedspage includes 30-day temporary listings of rabbits for sale and rabbits wanted. Check the page frequently as it is well-trafficked, and the listings may change quickly!
4) Use the Search Bar Function on Raising-Rabbits
On the Raising-Rabbits website, the Google search function is found very near the top of the right hand column. It says, "Search Raising-Rabbits." Enter your search term into the white bar just below and hit the gray "search" button. For example, if you're looking for English Lop rabbits, enter "English Lop," and hit "Search."
The search will return a page on which are listed all the times English Lops are mentioned on Raising-Rabbits. Because we are partnered with Google, Google gives you lots of options all over the web first. But keep scrolling down and you'll "get to the good stuff," our website results. This will include breeders and/or owners advertising English Lops on the Raising-Rabbits website. You'll see a small picture with each result and our name. This will hopefully help you find the rabbits for sale you are looking for. Try it!
5) Check on Social Media Platforms
Bunnies have discovered social media and they are everywhere! Raising-Rabbits isparticularly active on Facebook at:www.facebook.com/RaisingRabbits.
Additionally, use search terms in your favorite social media platforms, terms such as rabbits in your state, and breed of your choice, to find rabbit owners and breeders with the rabbits you are hoping to find.
6) Look for a rabbit at your local feed store, pet shop, or livestock show.
Even if they have no rabbits at the time, they might have a lead on a reputable rabbit breeder in your town.
Suzi Scribbles, roving reporter, wrote an exclusive article in the September 2022 issue of Rabbit Rhythms about a local junior livestock show. Children from Kindergarten to High School age were auctioning off livestock that they had raised and cared for. Find out about the remarkable kids who will be feeding America and what membership with 4H or FFA can do for your child.
7) Attend an ARBA, or BRC (or other officially sponsored) rabbit show.
ARBA-sanctioned showsoccur throughout the year in every state and even internationally. You are sure to find a breeder of your desired breed,ORsomeone who knows where you can find your desired breed of rabbit.
8) Check your local animal shelter for available rabbits.
Rabbits may be available at a local shelter. When looking to adopt from a shelter, ask lots of questions such as:
- Who runs the shelter?
- Why is the rabbit here?
- Does the rabbit have any health or behavioral issues I should be aware of before purchasing?
If you find a shelter with a LOT of rabbits -- PLEASE ask questions. It could be the rabbits were voluntarily surrendered. But it might happen that those rabbits were illegally 'rescued,' meaning stolen under the color or pretense of law.
There is a dark underbelly to the 'rabbitrescue' industry. See200 Rabbits, a shocking example of the lengths radical extremist animalrights groups have been known to go in order to put rabbit owners or breeders out of business.
If your local shelter has ano-killpolicy, be extra careful. The problem isn't the 'no kill' philosophy, by itself.The problem is an unwillingness to euthanize a sick rabbit for whichthere is no hope of recovery. Such a rabbit should not be forced to live in prolonged suffering or sold to people who won't be able to care for it. Somesneezing rabbitsdo fall into this category. Be wise - avoid any rabbit with moisture around thenose, as well as any rabbit housed in proximity to sneezing rabbits.
9) Search the National Rabbit Club in Your Country.
In the United States, Canada, and Japan, the national rabbit club is the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA).ARBA has anARBA Breederslisting which includes a great number of member breeders. Listings include the state where the breeder lives, contact information, and the breeds each breeder raises. Additionally, many states in the US have statewide rabbit breeder associations. The info can all be found on the ARBA website, linked above, AND on our All Rabbit Breeds page. See #10 below.
In the United Kingdom: The BRC maintains a Breeder Directory on their website. If the breed you are searching for is not represented, you can at least contact the organization for further guidance.
In Australia:Australian National Rabbit Council
In New Zealand:New Zealand Rabbit Council
10) Search for a national breed club website for the rabbit breed you want.
Nearly every breed recognized by the ARBA has a national rabbit breed club. Our AllRabbit Breeds page contains links to thesebreed clubs, if we could find the information. Many of these breed websites also include abreeders listing, including location of breeders by state.
Where can I find top quality rabbit cages that are great for rabbit feet?
From Raising-Rabbits, of course!
Raising-Rabbits has partnered with Hostile Hare to bring you cages that exceed our rigorous rabbit housing standards.
We do not manufacture cages,but we sure recognize a well-built, predator-proof, baby-safe, bunny-feet-safe cage when we see it! We think Hostile Hare cages will serve you well for years.
Explore the choices by clicking the logo or this link!
11) Place a (FREE!) Classified Ad on Raising-Rabbits!
Our Rabbit Classified Ads page has a huge "rabbits wanted" section! Give us a shout out by filling out the rabbit classified request form, select the "Rabbit Wanted" button, tell us a bit of details by following the suggestions in the request form, and then hit the "Send" button. Your ad will go up within 48-72 hours. I expect quick results for you! Get a Classified Ad.
12) Search the Internet.
Use Duck Duck Go or another search engine to search for the type of rabbit you're looking for (include your location in your search term), or use Craigslist, for example.
(Regrettably, some animal activists in some areas have nothing better to do with their time than haunt the Craigslist rabbits for sale postings and flag them all for take-down. We're not sure when Craigslist is going to wake up to this abuse of their service, but until then, that's why we maintain listings of rabbits for sale in your state.)
13) You could even try the old-fashioned way...
Ask around!Word-of-mouth may yield some good information. Check your newspaper's classified ads section, or the Pennysaver or similar classified circular.
Want to buy a pet rabbit of a particular breed?
Interested in Other Rabbit Breeds?
-- Are you trying to decide which breed is best for you?
-- Do you see a bunny available, but haven't heard of that kind before?
-- Are you curious about the different types of rabbits?
We have an e-book for that!It's titled Domestic Rabbit Breeds. Find it, and descriptions of our other e-books, at World of Raising Rabbits.
Purchase Domestic Rabbit Breeds here!
Try following one or more of the above suggestions.
One way or another, you should be able to find someone not too far from you who raises the breed you're interested in!
Rabbit Breeders and Rabbit Owners: Here's How Raising-Rabbits Can Help You Sell Your Rabbits
We offer FOUR ways to help you sell your rabbits. Find all the details here, or click on the various links below to go directly to the specific information you're interested in....
" We have gotten a ton of customers from your site. This December has been the best month for our Rabbitry ever! We definitely appreciate you guys!" (Happily Ever After Rabbitry, PA)
1) Rabbit Classified Ads for Buying or Selling
For One-Time (or very occasional) Rabbit Sellers: If you have a single litter for which you'd like to find buyers, feel free to request atemporary rabbit classifieds listing. (Or, leave a post on the Raising-Rabbits Facebook page, or both!)
Get a 30-Day Rabbit Classifieds Listing
2) FREE Rabbits for Sale Listing, for Rabbitry Owners and Breeders
List your healthy pet andshow rabbits on Raising-Rabbits.com for free, with a FREE basic listing!
We will place your free basic listingon a rabbits-for-sale-in-your-state page. This listing will remain until you let us know you don't need it any more. We certainly appreciate being advised of any necessary changes to the basic details, and will update your listing freely.
No Cost, No Unfair Flagging or Ad Removal, and BIG Publicity (thanks to Raising-Rabbit's high traffic rates)
List Your Rabbits For Sale
3) Enhanced Rabbitry Listing for Rabbit Breeders
Enhanced Rabbitry listing for Rabbit Breeders: Get at least 4 inches of page space for your rabbitry listing on a 'rabbits for sale by state' page in the state where you reside. Listings include plenty of additional info and one photo, along with Name, Contact Info, Social Media info, and Breed(s) of rabbits. Listings will remain on the page indefinitely, or until you ask us to remove them.
This is a Subscription service which will activate on January 1, 2024. Intro offer is only $1.99/month.
Get all the Info on Enhanced Rabbitry Listings
4) Get An Entire Web Page for Advertising Your Rabbits and Rabbitry on Raising-Rabbits.com!
Why should people purchase your rabbits?
Tell them why, with aDedicated Web Page on Raising-Rabbits.com that features your Rabbitry.
This is a subscription service. We will accept your "publish-ready copy," or we can write the page for you with the information you provide. Additionally, we place multiple links to your website on nearly every page on Raising Rabbits.
Included are updates and info refreshes, and site-wide links to your page.
This is an exciting opportunity for your rabbitry business!
Get an Entire Featured Rabbitry Page for YOUR Rabbitry
Still have questions? Feel free to contact us!
"Thank you so much for your website... we are no longer able to handle the number of inquiries we get from Raising-Rabbits.com!" (Timothy L, CA)
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Go ahead - take any of our e-booksfor a test drive. Peruse our detailed informational and educational e-books. Examineour plans for building rabbit cages, runs, or metal or PVC hutch frames. Check out the Rabbit Husbandry info e-books.
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Note: When you purchase youre-books, they will be in PDF format, so you can download them to any device thatsupports PDF format. We advise making a back-up copy to a drive or cloudaccount. If the books are lost, you can also purchase another copy from Raising-Rabbits.
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